


Count of buy box occurances by seller? Closed

U I'm trying to see who has the buy box and *how often*, by seller. I want to see this to see how often it changes and if there's any chance I would get the buy box without having to guess (currently done by moving my mouse across the Keepa chart). I would love to see this count in the Stock Checker tab as "# of buy box occurrences" for the time period I select. I realize the software can only look when the page is looked at, but would make a good indicator. When there's 2 dozen sellers and only 3 are selling anything, it would be good to know this fact easily. Does this info exist somewhere already? Thanks!

Jun 29, 2023


Nick Mavridis

On the Historical Data, AZinsight shows the BuyBox rotation. Is this what you're looking for?

Sep 01, 2023
